A lot has happened since my last post...
- Taylor graduated (hallelujah) and served a 2 year LDS mission to Colombia, South America.
- Taylor and Morgann both got married, not necessarily in that order, adding two incredible souls to our family.
- My first grandchild was born to Morgann and her husband Grant, on June 21 2016, 3 1/2 months too early. She was only 1lb 7oz. The smallest things take up the most room in our hearts. #unsinkableMolly
Taylor and his beautiful wife, Laura, have left Utah. Currently living in different states until Laura finishes her Music Therapy Internship in Cleveland Ohio. Once that is done, they hope to settle in Virginia where Taylor is currently living and working...way too far away for my liking. I miss them both terribly!
I always wondered if it would be hard to except and love my children's spouses but, luckily, it has been so easy! Laura and Grant have been amazing additions to my life and family. I love them both so much for the people they are and appreciate the amazing influence they have already had on my life and the lives of my children!
MaKaela is a Senior this year, has a boyfriend and is one of the hardest working people I know. She has an incredible gift with children and could easily lure children from their homes and families with her "Pied Piper-esque" charm. Not saying she kidnaps little children, but the phrase "I want to live with MaKaela" has been heard more than once in my home.
Tyson has discovered lacrosse. He loves it and I love that he loves it! He's taller than everyone except Taylor at this point, and is enjoying it immensely! As soon as he is brave/strong enough to put the smack-down on his sister, his life will be complete!
The last 7 years have been wrought with challenges. Extreme highs and some very low, lows. Such is the roller coaster of this existence. For now, I hope that Molly will be the only drama in my life for a while. I/we need a respite. She is so beautiful and strong. I long for the day when I get to rock her to sleep, blow raspberries on her tummy and bite her little toes. For now, its trips to the hospital, prayers, good vibes and soft whispers through her porthole "Nana loves you". Her parents are kind, strong and faithful. So well equipped, emotionally, spiritually and physically to carry this burden. I've always wondered what kind of amazing little soul would be sent to their home...now I know, her name is Molly.
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